1. Overview
  2. Schema Dictionary
  3. Context Menu & Update Buttons

Context Menu & Update Buttons

Context Menu

When you right-click on the Schema Dictionary, you will see this menu:

  1. Add - This allows you to add a new column to your Schema Dictionary. See here for details.
  2. Change - This allows you to change/update the currently selected column. See here for details.
  3. Delete - This allows you to delete the currently selected column. See here for details.
  4. Advanced Configuration - This gives you the ability to be able to edit all the tables/columns from one single interface. See here for more details.
  5. Move Down - This repositions the selected field a level lower
  6. Move Up - This repositions the selected field a level higher.
  7. Show Find Panel - This facilitates efficient field location by enabling the search box functionality. 
  8. Delete Current Schema - This action will remove all associated data. Additionally, all files generated within the output folder will be cleared. 


Update Buttons

Different buttons can be used to update the Schema Dictionary and have further actions that you can leverage when you press the dropdown.

  1. Add - This allows you to add a new column to your Schema Dictionary. See here for details.
  2. [Add] Column - This allows you to add a property to the table you clicked on.
  3. [Add] Multiple Columns - This allows you to add many properties to the table without having to manually click the Add button on every addition.
  4. [Add] Calculated Columns
  5. [Add] Table - This allows you to create a new table.
  6. Change - This allows you to change/update. See here for details.
  7. [Change] Column - This allows you to update a specific column.
  8. [Change] Table - This allows you to update a specific table.
  9. Delete - This allows you to delete what is selected. See here for details.
  10. [Delete] Column - This allows you to delete a column.
  11. [Delete] Table - This allows you to delete a table.
  12. [Delete] Truncate Schema Dictionary - This will remove the database schema associated with this project.




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