1. Overview
  2. Custom Stencils
  3. DevExpress Blazor Web App

DevExpress Blazor Web App

This stencil allows you to generate a DevExpress Blazor CRUD application.

Current Version: 1.2.3

Compatibility: .NET 8.0 and upwards

Supported Databases: SQL Server

The purpose of the DevExpress Blazor CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) Stencil is to automate the generation of a CRUD application leveraging the powerful DevExpress Controls.

To tailor the generated code to your specific requirements, you have the opportunity to configure certain aspects. Below, you'll find a description of the configuration form that appears before the commencement of code generation. This form allows you to fine-tune the output according to your preferences.



  1. DEFAULT_CONNECTION -  This is the connection string generated for your application.
  2. Logo ALT Text - This is responsible for what will be displayed if the logo doesn't get loaded.
  3. COLSPAN_MD - This is responsible for configuring how the input will fill up available spaces.
  4. Grid Edit Mode - This Grid displays the edit form in a pop-up window.
  5. Show Filter Search Box - This is responsible for showing the search box for filtering through the grid.
  6. Show Grid Filter Row - This is responsible for enabling or disabling the filter row within a grid, allowing users to filter data directly within the grid.
Release Notes

Version: 1.2.3   Date: May 30, 2024

New Features: N/A

Enhancements: N/A

Bug Fixes: N/A

Other Changes: N/A

Known Issues: N/A





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