Namespace - This is the string that will be used as the Namespace while generating code like C# classes that requires namespaces. Organization Label - This string can be used to form part of a namespace. Organization Name - This is the name of ...
Stencil/Project - This is the path to the last project/stencil that was loaded. Auto Load - When checked, the project/stencil automatically loads in (1) when CodeStencil starts. Always Load Default Nanites First - When checked, it forces the code na ...
1 - This is the temporary folder where packaged stencils are created until they are transferred online or used locally. 2 - This is the folder where custom stencils will be stored locally. 3 - When checked, it forces CodeStencil to always check for an ...
Output Folder: This is the default folder to generate your files. Animate Nodes During Code Generation: When this is checked, it limits the screen updates/refreshes of the progress of code generation. This is useful in the case of a big proje ...
From Tools | Options - Database Connection Timeout - You can change the timeout value here if the database times out during an import. Test/Connect to Database Triggers Scaffolding—Checking this option affects how your Database Import wo ...