The Schema Dictionary represents all the tables and columns within a Stencil or Project Workspace. Table Name - This identifies the table name. In this case - Invoice Primary Key - This symbol indicates that this is the primary key column Foreign K ...
Context Menu When you right-click on the Schema Dictionary, you will see this menu: Add - This allows you to add a new column to your Schema Dictionary. Please have a look here for details. Change - This allows you to change/update the currently se ...
This explains what the icons and identifiers in the Schema Dictionary represent. View - Table - Primary Key - Foreign Key - Self Referencing Column (SRC) - SRC Not Supported - The column name will show an overstrike when ...
This allows you to Add Tables and Add/Edit Columns manually in the Database Schema.
This allows you to add multiple columns to a particular table, without having to manually click the Add button. This comes in handy when you have more than one column to add.
This allows you to update or make changes to a particular column. Name - Caption - Column Type - Default Value - Enabled - Primary - Foreign - Sortable - Searchable - Allow Nulls - ...
This allows you to delete a column from its table.
The Advanced Configuration interface allows you to update Tables and columns at the same time. Table name - This is the name of the currently selected table. Table - Tables Droplist - Enabled - Table Grid - Updates -  ...
Some stencils use strings computed from other related tables ( i.e. foreign key tables). For example, in the Chinook database, the Customer table is a foreign key table to the invoice table: So, we may want to display Customer.FirstName +", " + Cu ...
The Schema Import Wizard uses the Entity Framework Scaffolder to import your schema into CodeStencil.
This allows you to select Tables/Views that you want code generated for. Select/Deselect Tables - This allows you to select or deselect the tables in a batch. Tables - These are the tables in your schema dictionary. Related Tables - These are the t ...