1. Overview
  2. Fundamentals
  3. Stencils vs. Templates (e.g. VS Templates)

Stencils vs. Templates (e.g. VS Templates)

Efficiency and productivity are critical in software development, and leveraging code generators and templates can significantly enhance the development process.


Code Stencil is a code generator application designed to streamline the development of various components and integrations. Let's explore its features and capabilities;

  1. Grid Generation: Syncfusion Grid in .NET application in stencils, can provide several benefits, such as enhanced data management, improved performance, better user experience, and improved productivity.
  2. Blazor Stencil with CRUD: With CodeStencil, developers can generate DevExpress and Blazor Stencil with CRUD functionality. This facilitates the creation of Blazor-based applications with pre-built CRUD operations, enabling efficient data management and manipulation.
  3. React Stencil with CRUD: CodeStencil also supports React Stencil with CRUD, providing developers with a ready-made foundation for building React applications with CRUD capabilities. This feature accelerates the development of data-driven React applications.
  4. Angular Stencil with CRUD: For Angular developers, CodeStencil offers the ability to generate Angular Stencil with CRUD, empowering them to quickly scaffold Angular applications with CRUD operations. This feature ensures rapid development and code consistency.
  5. Data Source Connectivity: CodeStencil facilitates seamless connectivity to data sources, enabling the generated code to interact with databases, APIs, or other data services. This integration simplifies data retrieval, manipulation, and persistence within the generated applications.
  6. No redundancy: CodeStencil, generates all the necessary files and packages required for developers. No extra files compared to Visual Studio templates, where developers always have to clean up the generated templates and, as a result, spend more time on them.
  7. Minimize unnecessary prompts:  By reducing the number of prompts, providing sensible defaults, and improving the overall user experience, CodeStencil strikes a balance between customization and automation, making code generation more efficient and user-friendly.
  8. Ease of maintainability: As to visual studio templates, all versions have different templates, which makes them difficult to maintain. With CodeStencil, developers do have to worry about this, because every version, will come with the same templates. Hence making it easier to maintain your application.
  9. Flexibility: With CodeStencil, you can generate stencils and code in dynamic ways, it's not static. CodeStencil allows you to design your stencil, based on your need. Visual Studio can't because it is not designed to be so flexible.
  10. Extensibility: CodeStencil, makes use of MEF (Managed Extensibility Framework) which allows developers to create applications that can be easily extended or modified by adding or removing components dynamically at runtime.

Visual Studio Templates

Visual Studio templates, on the other hand, are a native feature of Microsoft's Visual Studio IDE. Let's compare their capabilities with those of CodeStencil:

  1. Template Structure: Visual Studio templates provide a structured starting point for projects or items within projects. While they do not have specific features for generating Syncfusion Grid or predefined CRUD operations for various frameworks, developers can create custom templates or modify existing ones to incorporate these functionalities.
  2. Customizability: Visual Studio templates offer flexibility in terms of customization. Developers can tailor the templates to fit specific project requirements, including integrating third-party libraries like Syncfusion Grid, and DevExpress, or creating boilerplate code for CRUD operations. However, this customization requires manual configuration and coding within the templates.
  3. Template Diversity: Visual Studio has a vast template ecosystem, including templates for various project types and frameworks. While it may not have pre-built templates for every specific requirement, developers can leverage community-created templates or build their templates to accommodate Syncfusion Grid, CRUD operations, or other desired features.

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