1. Overview
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Missing Code Nanites

Missing Code Nanites

There are situations when your generated code contains the name of a Code Nanite instead of the generated code as we see in this screenshot:

This is an indication that the assembly containing the code nanite was not loaded or the code nanite was not imported. Code Nanites must be imported into the Expanders table before being available for use. This is usually done when the stencil in registered or installed. However, there are cases when a new Code nanite has been added to the current build of an existing stencil, and even though this updated stencil has been downloaded from the marketplace and installed over the old version, the new nanite may not be properly registered.

In this case, there are 2 ways to fix this:

1st Option

(1) Click on the Code Nanites Tab:

(2) Right-Click and Select "Reset"

2nd Option

If you know where the Code Nanite assembly is located, you can directly import it.

(1) Click on the Code Nanites Tab:

(2) Select "Import Assemblies"

(3) Navigate to the folder containing the updated version of the assembly and select it:

After the import, confirm that the code nanite is now available and showing in the code nanites tab.



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