1. Overview
  2. Startup
  3. Release Notes

Release Notes

Dear CodeStencil Users,

We're beyond excited to share the arrival of the latest version of CodeStencil, a significant update designed to supercharge your development journey. Our team has been hard at work implementing new features, refining existing functionalities, and expanding the capabilities of CodeStencil to ensure an unparalleled coding experience for you. Here's a snapshot of the exciting new features and improvements we've rolled out:

  • Blazor QuickGrid Support: Easily integrate dynamic and responsive grids into your Blazor projects, enhancing data presentation and user interactions.

  • .NET 8 Compatibility: CodeStencil is now fully compatible with the latest .NET 8 framework, keeping you on the cutting edge of development.

  • Faster Code Generation: Experience a significant reduction in code generation times, enabling you to move from concept to code quicker than ever before.

  • Enhanced Stencil Library: Dive into a richer library of templates, providing a wider array of starting points for your projects.

  • Marketplace Integration: Access and download stencils directly through our expanded marketplace, enriching your toolkit with community and professional contributions.

  • Stencil Creation Tools: Enjoy an improved toolset for crafting your stencils, making customization and template creation more intuitive.

  • POCO Classes Import: Easily integrate plain old CLR objects into your projects, streamlining data handling and business logic implementation.

  • Advanced Schema Diagramming: Elevate your database design with advanced diagramming tools, offering unparalleled insight into database relationships.

  • AI Integration: Harness the power of AI integration, streamlining your coding process with intelligent assistance.

  • DTO Support: Implement Data Transformation Objects easily, enhancing data handling and transfer within your applications.

  • Expanded Schema Library: Explore more options for robust database design, ensuring your projects are built on solid foundations.

  • Menu Auto-Generation: Automatically create intuitive navigation menus based on your schema dictionary, improving user experience and application flow.

  • Online Help Enhancements: Find solutions and answers faster than ever with our improved online help system, designed to assist you at every step.

  • Refined Database Schema Approach: Tailor your workflow with flexible options such as Code First, Database First (utilizing either Schema Library or direct import), and intelligent assistance from ChatGPT.

  • Code Tree Evolution: Discover the new Replacer, SQL Script nodes, and enhanced database dependency features, offering more control and flexibility over your project structure.

This release represents our commitment to not just keeping pace with the evolving landscape of development but also providing you with the tools and features that make coding more enjoyable, efficient, and creative. We're thrilled to see how you leverage these new capabilities in your projects.

As always, your feedback is invaluable to us. It fuels our innovation and helps us tailor CodeStencil to your evolving needs. Dive in, explore the new features, and let us know your thoughts!

Warm regards,

The CodeStencil Team

P.S. Stay tuned for detailed guides, tutorials, and support resources coming soon to help you maximize the benefits of these new features!

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