1. Overview
  2. Schemas
  3. Schema Generator
  4. Schema Generator - Create New Schema

Schema Generator - Create New Schema

Select this option to create the New Schema:

You will be prompted to create a New Schema. Just like the image below;

  1. Model Name: This is the name of the model you are creating. 
  2. File Name: This will be the name of the file stored in its designated location. The filename is automatically derived from the model name.
  3. Category: Select the category where the schema will be created. 
  4. Description: This is a brief explanation of the purpose and functionality of the schema to be created. 
  5. Version: Specify the version of the schema. 
  6. Schema Diagram: This is a graphical representation of the schema.
  7. Enable More Image Features -   Selecting this option will display additional buttons to enhance and update the displayed image.

(A) Copy From Clipboard - If you have a graphic image in your clipboard, you can use it to replace the current image.

(B) Get a Screenshot - You can take a screenshot and use it to replace the current image.

(C) Add Image - You can use an image from a disk to replace the current image.

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