1. Overview
  2. Code Tree
  3. Context Menu
  4. Reverse Engineer Source Code

Reverse Engineer Source Code

Reverse Engineer allows you to pull in a source code and convert it into a stencil. You do this by importing the contents of a folder containing your source code into the code tree structure of CodeStencil.

This is a very powerful feature of CodeStencil since it is what you can use to quickly create a stencil if you already have source code available.

You can use this feature from the context menu of the Code Tree, or your Actions menu in the main application - ACTIONSReverse Engineer Source Code

From the Code Tree context menu, these are the steps to reverse engineer your code:

Step 1 - Open the Context Menu on an empty folder, Select "Reverse Engineer Source Code"CS_clip0046

Step 2 - Navigate to the folder containing the source codeHM_clip0037

You can see the imported folders and files.CS_clip0047

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